Facebook Foto For the Five Fallen Families of the Police Department!
Come to the studio between 10-4 Thursday Dec 10 Donate $20 for your individual Facebook photograph~ All proceeds will go to the 11 kids and 4 spouses of the 5 officers killed recently. My goal is 50 people to raise $1000 for these families. Come on Ta...coma we can do this, most of you need a better profile picture, if you are in business it is a write off. Replace that tacky 13yr old business photo on your website, all for a great cause. No appointment necessary, drop with your $20 cash or check to the Fallen Lakewood Officers Fund 100% goes to the families. Pass this on to your friends, it is this Thursday, Dec 10 from 10-4 625 Commerce Street suite 101 Easy to find, just off the Stadium way Exit. Plenty of parking! www.photographybytrina.com